Computer Architecture + Assembly Language Class

10:18 PM

I realized, in the course of posting my recent school projects to my GitHub, that there is nothing here on my blog about the small programs I've made using x86 Assembly! I studied hard to learn it, and have understood higher level languages better in the process. I don't do much for personal reasons with Assembly, but I don't want to neglect the time I spent learning it, so I'd like to give it some love in this post!

I learned some x86 Assembly in the Computer Architecture + Assembly Language course I took in Spring quarter. I found it very fascinating, like a small puzzle. Sometimes I feel like my strength is systems and bigger-picture implementations, so getting into very granular instructions definitely. put me out of my element. Nonetheless, I found it rather fun. Biology was always my best subject in elementary through high school, but studying computer architecture scratched that same itch. It was intensely interesting to get down to the most granular levels and understand the entire system from the ground up. I'm genuinely sad my school doesn't offer advanced architecture courses, I absolutely loved the section we did on digital logic gates!

I'd like to do a writeup for each program I did as part of this class, but in the meantime, here are the ones I've posted to my GitHub!

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